Sending Out Servants (SOS)
A Catholic Lay Mission of Presence among the Maya in Guatemala
SOS is a Lay Catholic 501(c)3 Mission organization called to be a vehicle for the Holy Spirit to grow World Christians.
We strive to be an effective instrument through which men, women and youth can respond to their baptismal call to love one another as Christ loves us.
A country on the Pacific Ring of Fire with multiple active volcanoes, beautiful mountains, and gorgeous beaches on the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
“Caminemos juntos para que nadie se quede atrás...
(Let us walk together so that no one is left behind...)”
MISSION TEAMS - @Home and Abroad
We have teams that travel to Guatemala to share their faith, provide eye clinic and surgeries, and connect with the Maya people.
We also have teams that stay close to home and assist in our work with prayer, office work, fundraising, and much more!
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the Servant News archives,
and all of our recent Blog Posts